Todays Hot Blog -Utah Prison Watch

A must to check out while your surfing the web…..

Who we are

Utah Prison Watch is an international weblog meant to make public the Human Rights Abuses going on in Utah´s prisons.
Documenting and exposing abuse.

We Are Not Your Bastards; We Are Your Children

94% of the inmates at Utah State Prison will one day be released back into society. This is a consensus taken by the prison; it is not my own fabrication. It is common knowledge that prisons have an 85% recidivism rate. On a weekly basis, people in Utah are being sent to USP as new inmates. I think I would be safe in saying that at least 15 new inmates are processed in every week. The population of Utah is a little over 2 million people. Recently, inside Gunnison Prison there was another max building was constructed which holds approximately 200 inmates.
I would like to emphasize that it was another MAX Unit that was built…and it was funded during a fading economy. Instead of building a learning center or a building for learning a trade, the money was spent to build another max facility to do nothing but warehouse inmates; Inmates who know nothing of a trade, nothing of education and nothing of a strong family.

click here to go to Utah Prison Watch

One thought on “Todays Hot Blog -Utah Prison Watch

  1. Thank you so much for posting this here! My husband and I have been trying for months now to work with these men and end the abuses and torture they are suffering. Utah officials have ignored us, Warden Turley said there would be an investigation opened but nothing seems to have come of it. We are desperately trying to get something done for them before another man dies. The last suicide attempt was only 2 weeks ago – conditions are horrific and the guards responsible need to be held accountable.
    Thank you again for posting this and a HUGE thanks to Annabelle for building the UT Prison Watch blog and helping us get word out!


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